Picking up multiples of the same weapon will increase the player's ammo supply, although, from the second pickup onward, each pickup will only supply 67-75% of the starting amount depending on the weapon.Īll special weapons take the form of the AR-10 assault rifle for male characters and what appears to be a sawed-off shotgun for female characters. Special weapons are more powerful than the default handgun but must be picked up first and have limited ammo. Marco's special ability is dealing double damage with his pistol. Metal Slug 6 onward introduces the Weapon Stock where the player can switch between the handgun and two other weapons.

If the player stands still after firing off a large amount of consecutive shots (at least twelve), the character will appear to reload his/her handgun, but this is purely cosmetic. When the special weapon runs out of ammo, the player will go back to using this handgun. The handgun has unlimited ammo, but lacks the heavy firepower or high fire rate of other weapons. The male characters use semi-automatic pistols, while the females use double-action revolvers. 3.1 Metal Slug: Super Vehicle-001 to Metal Slug Advance.